Share your strategy

Tuuli Hirvonen30.8.2017StrategyReading time 2 min

So your company has decided to renew its website? Great! But why? And I really want you to think about that right now. What is your reason for doing it?

According to our experience, website renewals are too often handled as marketing communication projects, even though they have – or should have – company-wide effects on our clients’ businesses. The better the pain points of current processes are known, the objectives of the new digital service are defined and key performance indicators are thoroughly discussed on a management level, the more likely it is that the renewal will help you improve your business. In other words, the better ROI you can expect. You wouldn’t invest in hiring a new guy just for fun, would you?

Design and development of digital products are often outsourced and we, creative agencies, are brought in to deliver. But the truth is that we also need your help. As the old saying goes, “creativity without a strategy is called art,” and it totally applies to creating digital services as well. Intuitive UX, fresh visuals or recognizable copywriting won’t hurt anyone, but they won’t get you far if they’re not aligned with your business goals and strategy.

Everything you do as a company is based on a strategy. Why would your web service be an exception? Especially modern web services serve simultaneously as sales, marketing and customer service channels, as well as play a key role in offering e-services. These, if anything, are strategic functions and deserve to be designed as such.

Long story short, I only have this one wish for you: share your strategy. Make sure you have one. Make sure it isn’t just a piece of paper, but comes with an implementation plan. Share it with chosen strategic partners who are committed to helping your business. Aim for long-term partnerships to allow trust, learning and roadmaps. Offer the creatives a well-articulated strategy to help them make the most out of your service. Only by doing this can you ensure that your service is designed and developed to be goal-oriented, not preference-oriented.


Tuuli joined Frantic’s marketing team after 3 years of taking care of our clients as a Project Manager. She's passionate about visual communication and creating content with a purpose.

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