We have adopted electronic invoicing and stopped handling paper invoices. We kindly ask you to deliver your invoice by e-invoice or by pdf-invoice by email.
Our billing information
VAT ID: FI10772338
Business ID: 1077233-8
E-invoice address: 003710772338
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Data format: Finvoice
Operator’s code when sending from a bank: DABAFIHH
The following address should be included in the invoice:
Frantic Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan
Send the invoice as an email attachment in pdf-format (max. 5MB/file) to:
The invoice should include the word invoice or credit invoice.
Invoice attachments should be included in the same file as the actual invoice. One
email may contain several files, but then all files should be named differently. File
name may contain only the following characters: 0-9, A-Z, a-z.