
We have a lot of experience with digital business, customer experience, design, and development, which we're happy to share with you. Have a seat, grab a coffee and enjoy the read.

A group photo from the Geniem x Frantic summer partyBlog

Announcement: Geniem acquires Frantic

Latest1.7.2022NewsReading time 4 min

As a result of the acquisition, Frantic's business will be transferred to Geniem on the 1st of July, 2022.

Announcement: Geniem acquires Frantic

1.7.2022NewsReading time 4 min

As a result of the acquisition, Frantic's business will be transferred to Geniem on the 1st of July, 2022.

A group photo from the Geniem x Frantic summer party

Customizable eCommerce on WooCommerce

Joonas Meriläinen3.2.2022Reading time 6 min

WooCommerce platform offers a first-class user experience and versatile functionalities. It lends itself as a growth engine even for a large business. Extensive customization possibilities are WooCommerce's number one strength.

The illustration portrays the versatility that WooCommerce offers: you can sell physical products, digital products, or even customizable product packages.

Introducing our new frantimones

2.12.2021FranticReading time 6 min

Time to introduce our newest additions to the Frantic crew! We asked our six frantimones to tell us a bit about themselves, their new role, and what makes them tick. Who plays Dungeons & Dragons? Who gets excited about visual arts? Who spends time in museums? Read to find out! 

Hero image illustrated by Sebastian Sotavalta. People depicted in the illustration: Sebastian, Emil, Berit, Riina, Tea, Laura

A first look on diversity, equity and inclusion at Frantic

Maija Typpi-Häkkinen, Jenny Salmimäki & Salla Järvinen25.11.2021FranticReading time 8 min

In recent years, awareness of the importance of organizational diversity and inclusion has grown, and several grievances and areas for development have been highlighted. The key question is: what has been done concretely to bring about change? Now we shed some light on our journey within diversity work and what to expect next.

code camp for ladies pic

A scalable Shopify eCommerce solution grows with your business

Juha Stenroos19.11.2021Reading time 5 min

Are you considering Shopify as your online business platform? The modern cloud-based SaaS eCommerce platform offers versatile tools for building a scalable eCommerce solution. If needed, Shopify also adapts to complex enterprise needs.

MG 8150

Accessibility is a process – and this is how you get started with it

Tea Dickman5.10.2021DesignReading time 8 min

Accessibility is a qualitative feature of digital products and services, and it should be taken into account throughout their whole life cycle.


Frantic rechosen as a Hansel framework agreement vendor

23.9.2021NewsReading time 1 min

Frantic has been chosen as an IT consulting vendor for the second time for Hansel, the central procurement unit of the Finnish Government.

Dark image with post its, a phone, and a glass of water

Sitra Lifestyle test: Change starts with all of us

12.5.2021WorkReading time 5 min

Tackling climate change requires system-level transformation and corporate responsibility. In addition, it requires actions from all of us consumers. In Finland, our client Sitra’s Lifestyle test has been the most significant tool driving change within the society. Published in December 2017, the test quickly became a viral phenomenon after its launch, and since then people have tested their lifestyles over a million times.


What will the return to the office look like?

Sami Häkkinen4.5.2021FranticReading time 4 min

Remote work has already become a routine during the Corona year. By the looks of it, after the summer of 2021 we are simultaneously faced with the familiar and the unknown: how will we return to the office? How did the working life change in a year?

hero toimisto all good

Take note, designers: the future is theirs! – Insights from the Service Design School

Anniina Ojutkangas4.3.2021DesignReading time 6 min

When our service design school project came to an end in December 2020, we were feeling wistful but inspired. What was actually done and what was the outcome of this interesting design project? And ultimately: what did we learn?

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