Frantic has been offering services ranging from business design to digital marketing and communications solutions for over two decades. We follow and proactively forecast how our field takes new shapes and how we could best help our clients with their changing needs in the future. We want to be part of the solution and right there beside our clients when topical and important problems are being solved.
”A skillful consultant is self-driven and can predict the client’s moves. Communication skills and courage are highly important in creating a trusting atmosphere and forming a good relationship with the client.”
- Tytti Pöysti, Scrum Master
Successful projects require versatile understanding and knowledge of service design and development, as well as project management and facilitation. Familiarity with agile methods and knowing how to help the clients to learn truly get highlighted.
Product owners and team leaders are expected to deliver solid professionalism and devote their time to managing and facilitating projects. In addition, they need to form effective teams and train the team members to make the most of the agile methods. This is why many of our clients trust our agile consultants with their project management; from product owners, Scrum Masters, and agile coaches to technical and management consulting.
”In my role, I work in a multi-consultant and multi-talent environment, where several agile teams are working closely together. Remote work is the new normal, so being able to facilitate teams remotely is vital. My role at the client has evolved during the years and brought new responsibilities with it. You always have to be ready to develop and learn.”
- Tytti Pöysti, Scrum Master
”I work closely with the client’s content producers and marketing, as well as process and delivery chain development managers. In addition, I am a working partner for the eCommerce sales manager. I can always seek help and support from my colleagues at Frantic, related to technical issues or service design, for example.”
- Kaisa Lepistö, Product Owner
Versatile experience helps both consultants and clients
We at Frantic have many experts with diverse backgrounds in project management. They have successfully led projects in fields such as transportation, logistics, health, commerce, manufacturing, finance, and insurance, as well as in the public sector.
”It is important to be familiar with different methods related to project management. Also, seeing the big picture, being able to facilitate efficiently and knowing how to prioritize, regardless of the field, are vital skills. When things happen rapidly, a talented product owner knows how to keep the ball rolling.”
- Kaisa Lepistö, Product Owner
”A Scrum Master makes sure that the work proceeds fast and efficiently, and most importantly, with control. All expertise and knowledge from past experiences is beneficial for a consultant, and truly a great asset for the client.”
- Tytti Pöysti, Scrum Master
Our experts bring valuable knowledge on service development in various fields in Finland and internationally, and help organizations to find the methods and pace of progress that are right for them. They thus become an integral part of the client’s business and work agilely with the client’s own organization, service providers, and other stakeholders as a solid partner and supporter.
”Bringing in an outside consultant can be seen as a challenge, especially when the task is really demanding and strategic for the client. However, our clients can always trust that we’re there for them, looking after their business. It’s important that a consultant can quickly take in the client’s ways of working and adapt to their organization.”
- Kaisa Lepistö, Product Owner
Frantic’s agile consultants and experts integrate into the client’s organization and free up client resources for other key operational tasks in the organization. Therefore, the client can be confident that the ongoing projects are progressing according to the agreed schedule while having a constant connection to the overall picture. Our consultants build and maintain an atmosphere of trust and straightforward cooperation by professionally facilitating, training, and coaching the client with agile methods.
”Having a seamless cooperation and real trust between everyone is the gist. As a client, you get the best results when you share information openly. Then we have a connection to the business goals and overall activities and can be most helpful to you.”
- Tytti Pöysti, Scrum Master & Kaisa Lepistö, Product Owner
Do you have a project ahead and would need support in organizing, managing or implementing it? Are you looking for support in building agile teams or instilling agile methods to your organization? In addition to agile project management, product owners, Scrum Masters and agile coaches, Frantic has a team of seasoned experts in service design and technical management.
Tell us about your project and let’s together think what kind of team, ways of working and pace of progress would be the best fit for your organization. Do not hesitate to contact our sales team (
Frantic has agile consultants in the following fields:
Scrum & agile management
Agile project management | Product Owner | Scrum Master | Agile method coaching | Outsourced digital, development or project manager
Design management
Design team and design process management | Customer understanding and stakeholder engagement | Service ecosystem mapping and specification | Developing design methods and ways of working (DesignOps)
Technical management
Technical project management | Technical Scrum Master | Forming a development team | Architecture and integrations | Application development