Challenging all dads out there

Sami Häkkinen13.9.2018FranticReading time 2 min

We want to create the very best work environment for everyone, regardless of their life situation, and Isähaaste brings up important themes for all dads.

Balancing work with other aspects of life is a constant challenge. Isähaaste (“The Dad Challenge”) is a campaign approaching this topic from fathers’ point of view, and we’re pleased to be a part of it.

We want to create the very best work environment for everyone, regardless of their situation in life, and Isähaaste brings up important themes for all dads out there.

As a dad of two, this topic hits close to home. One of the toughest hurdles up until now has been changing my own mindset regarding work. Having kids shakes up and re-prioritizes all aspects of your life, and forces you to reconsider the role of work. Adapting to and reconciling these different roles keeps raising new questions. Can I bring my kid to work if the daycare is closed? What about when they’re sick – who stays at home? How do you get anything done in eight hours? How can I always be present for my kids?

The answers are obvious, yet we need to say them out loud for anything to change. Of course, you can bring your kid to work. Taking care of a sick child is a family matter, and what your employer or colleagues think shouldn’t have anything to do with it. Eight hours is plenty of time when you focus on the right things. By keeping in mind that you can really be present in only one place at a time.

Change takes place through actions, starting with my own. For me, the biggest “dad challenge” is in my own head. The next time the last meeting of the day is running overtime and I should already be on my way to pick up the kids, I’ll challenge myself to this: politely excuse myself, get up and walk out without an ounce of shame, and arrive at the daycare on time.

On the way, I’ll have time to think about other challenges related to a good work-life balance. We’ll tell you more about our ideas later this fall.